Pride Asks

“Judith Leiber for New York Magazine
”🌈 – what’s your sexual orientation? Active.
🌹- what would be your ideal date? A hot guy with very loose morals, and cash.
💘 – what personality traits are attractive to you? Sense of humour and common sense.
💋 – what do you find physically attractive? Lips, hands, legs, ass.
🐻 – what is your favourite animal? Dogs.
💭 – when did you realise you were lgbtq? When I was a teen.
💌 – what makes your heart melt? Baby animals.
🎤 – do you have a favourite lgbt song? SO MANY! But, a classic and a new one below:

🍀 – what’s your fav thing abt being lgbtq? Sex.
🌠 – advice for young lgbtq people? Well, I’ve never felt the need to belong to any group and that includes LGBTQ. I’ve always been myself regardless of my sexual orientation. So, just be yourself and do what makes YOU happy because life is too short to not enjoy it.
☁️ – where do you see yourself in 5 years? On Earth still. I’m eternal!

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