The World Has Lost The ICONIC Goddess TINA TURNER

How 'Private Dancer' Started A Very Public Affair With Tina TurnerThis one hurt straight to the bone. And if you heard a high-pitched “Noooooo,” earlier, that was me reacting to the news that legendary ICON Tina Turner has died at age 83.

Tina’s rep delivered the news of sadness in this statement:

“Tina Turner, the ‘Queen of Rock’n Roll’ has died peacefully today at the age of 83 after a long illness in her home in Kusnacht near Zurich, Switzerland. With her, the world loses a music legend and a role model.”

Yes in 2013 after living 20 years in Switzerland, Tina Turner renounced her US citizenship to become a Swiss citizen. She said that her success was in Europe and also her boyfriend. And who can blame her?

Switzerland is always at the top of the best countries in the world.

Oh gosh… I have no words to express my love for Tina. She had a UNIQUE VOICE, she was phenomenal, a pioneering. She affirmed and amplified black women’s formative stake in rock’n’roll, defining the 80’s and music to the extent that Mick Jagger admitted to taking inspiration from her high-kicking, energetic live performances for his stage persona.

Below some of the songs that made me ADORE Tina Turner (also a gay icon), because LEGENDS never die!

My neighbours better get ready for a non-stop Tina Turner song marathon blasting from my speakers for the next few days as a tribute to this powerhouse GODDESS.

Tina Turner: Help! (Music Video 1984) - IMDb

tina-turner-ebony-magazine-may-2000-1 – Tina Turner Blog

TINA Vogue Interview: “I Need To Re-Invent Myself” – Tina Turner Blog

Rest in peace, GODDESS Tina. You’re simply THE BEST!

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